In memory of a grand lady and dear friend, we are thrilled to offer the “Susan Bray – Behind the Scenes Award”.
Susan Bray was instrumental in providing assistance behind the scenes of Clearview Community Theatre since its inception in 1996. Susan was a skilled dressmaker and many of the costumes that appeared on stage were a result of her beautiful handiwork. She also helped with props, and millinery, adding that special magic to the performances. Her craftsmanship, attention to detail and dedication were invaluable to the theatre group.
In recognition of Susan’s outstanding contributions, this award will be given out to the grade 12 graduating student showcasing exceptional dedication behind the scenes encompassing various roles critical to the production’s success. This award recognizes outstanding contributions, over more than one year, in any of the following areas: set design/construction, lighting/sound, costumes, makeup, front of house, director’s assistant, executive involvement, marketing, setup/teardown, stage managing or stagehand. The recipient demonstrates teamwork and commitment, helping to create a friendly and supportive overall theatrical experience through their invaluable contributions behind the scenes.
Application form is listed below. Applicants should download the form, complete it and return it in person or e-mail it to: Deadline to receive applications is April 4, 2025.
Susan Bray Award Application Form