Wendy Stormes acted on stage in 10 CCT productions and assisted in costume preparation, sets, props, stage management, Travelling Troupes and provided musical assistance with younger members.
In recognition of Wendy’s outstanding contributions and her deep affection for the performing arts, CCT will actively pay tribute to members who shared her enthusiasm to make the theatre group what it is today.
The award will be given to a grade 12 graduating student who has demonstrated exceptional dedication and passion for the performing arts. Applicants must have a history of on-stage performances and involvement in troupes, for more than one year. The recipient should embody Wendy’s enthusiasm and commitment, contributing significantly to the success of the theatre group.
The application form is listed below in PDF format. Applicants should download the form, complete it and return it in person or e-mail it to: clearviewcommunitytheatre@gmail.com. Deadline to receive applications is April 4, 2025.